Storybuilder- let's bring your book to life
Master's project | Seven weeks | Group project | Industrial/Toy Design 
Stakeholder- Kolding Library, Munkevængets Skole and all the future young designers

Group project
Nádia Henrique
Marloes Bakker
Pedro Cabral 

Storybuilder is a toolkit for children to act out their story and create their own scenery & characters. The toolkit would contain modular and reusable pieces that the children can use to make different types of characters and scenery and combine them with arts & crafts supplies. It will also have cards to give the user a challenge and extra importance to the books.
We started by approaching the children with the Internship as a Child, followed by the 4 Co-Creation and 3 Co-Design sessions. Behind the interactions with children we have been preparing these sessions with our own methods and processes, such as reading and studying, observation of the children in their environment, brainstorming ideas and creating design challenges and research questions, sketching, and prototyping using our industrial design skills. 
Bellow there is pictures of the Co-Creations and Co-Design sessions.
This project comes from the project group ‘The joy of reading’. They want to help children find joy in reading. To find a direction in our project, we visited Munkevængets Skole. We did observations and co-creation with the 4th grade.
During this co-creation and observations, we discovered that the children like to create stories, whether it is making up stories themselves by creating something from a story they know or by making the characters of the book. We decided to explore this further and discussed our ideas during the supervision and midway presentation.​​​​​​​
I focused on the co-creations, observations and testings with the children. Having the insights as sketches, the colours and shapes, brainstorming sessions that created the addition of the cards, and the overall creation of the project.

Designed by Nádia Henrique

